Wednesday, November 27, 2019

European Settlement in the New World Essay Example

European Settlement in the New World Essay The displacement of Indians and the enslavement of Africans tarnished the early history of European settlement in the New World’. Illustrate this statement by discussing the African slave trade and relations between European settlers and the various Native American peoples. America was regarded as the continent of new opportunities, religion freedom, new ideas, innovation. In other words, it was claimed to be the New World. Many people headed to America hoping to give a new beginning to their lives. Up to this point, we expect to learn wonderfulthings about the foundation of the States. Nonetheless, the displacement of Indians and the enslavement of Africans tarnished the early history of European settlers in what it was supposed to be the New World. Besides this, there were two other developments that, together with the introduction of this system of chattel slavery, shaped life in the mainland colonies between 1640 and 1720. The English were amateurs when it came to slavery, though other Europeans were not. During the fifteenth century, the Spanish and Portuguese had already imported enslaved Africans as labourers into the islands of the Mediterranean Atlantic. The rising demand for sugar, coffee, cotton, and tobacco created a greater demand for slaves by other slave trading countries. Thus, Europeans needed bound labourers, that is, people who, by law or contract, could be forced to work. In the case of the English, the candidates for this workforce were young English men who were offered opportunities so as to work in the New World provided the accepted a seven year contract. Nevertheless, when the supply of English indentured servants began to become scarce in the 1660s, Chesapeake planters turned to Africans. We will write a custom essay sample on European Settlement in the New World specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on European Settlement in the New World specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on European Settlement in the New World specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer They began to import already enslaved Africans from Caribbean sugar islands and then to purchase slaves directly from Africa. Due to this African population in Virginia started to grow. Spain, France, the Dutch, and English were in competition for the cheap labor needed to work their colonial plantation system producing those lucrative goods. The slave trade was so profitable that, by 1672, the Royal African Company chartered by Charles II of England superseded the other traders and became the richest shipper of human slaves to the mainland of the Americas. The slaves were so valuable to the open market they were eventually called Black Gold. By the end of the century, African slavery was established as the basis of the economy in the Chesapeake. The settlers went up to the west area of Africa for the selection of slaves for a great deal of reasons. That part of the country was one of the most fertile and densely inhabited regions of the continent so the trade in human beings did not depopulated the area. In Guinea, the chief consequences of the trade were political and economic. Coastal rulers served as middlemen, allowing the establishment of permanent slave-trading posts in their territories and supplying resident Europeans with slaves to fill ships that stopped regularly at the coastal forts. These rulers controlled both European traders’ access to slaves and inland peoples’ access to desirable European goods. Europeans were the main beneficiaries of this traffic of slaves. The expanding network of trade between Europe and its colonies was fuelled by the sale and transportation of slaves, the exchange of commodities produced by slave labour, and the need to feed and clothe so many bound labourers. The sugar planters of the Caribbean and Brazil purchased slaves from Africa, dispatched shiploads of valuable staple crops to Europe, and bought large quantities of cheap food. By the late seventeenth century, commerce in slaves and the products of slave labour constituted the basis of the European economic system. Europeans fought to control the slave trade. The Portuguese had at first dominated the trade, but they were supplanted by the Dutch in the 1630s. The Dutch lost out the English, who controlled the trade through the Royal African Company, a joint-stock company chartered by Charles II in 1672. By the end of the eighteenth century, independent traders were carrying most of the Africans imported into the colonies and earning huge profits. The slave codes robbed the Africans of their freedom and will power. Slaves did resist this treatment, therefore strict and cruel punishment was on hand for disobeying their masters. Slaves were forbidden from carrying guns, taking food, striking their masters, and running away. All slaves could be flogged or killed for resisting or breaking the slave codes. Some slave states required both slaves and free blacks to wear metal badges. Those badges were embossed with an ID number and occupation. Refusing to obey their masters demands created a duel crisis on the part of the resisting slaves and their demanding owners. The most common form of resistance used by the slaves was to run away. To live as a runaway required perfect escape routes and exact timing. Where to hide, finding food, leaving the family and children behind became primary issues for the escaping slaves. Later, the severe punishment had to be faced whenever a hunted slave was caught and returned to bondage. Many slaves ran off and lived in the woods or vast wilderness in the undeveloped American countryside. This group of slaves were called maroons, for they found remote areas in the thick forest and mainly lived off wild fruits and animals as food. Some of these maroons ran off, lived, and even married into segments of the Native American populations. They were later called Black Indians. Regarding relations between European settlers and Native American peoples, the latter ones enthusiastically welcomed European settlers to their shores up to the third decade of the seventeenth century. Many thought the armed Europeans would protect them from their more powerful native enemies. Natives generously shared with the settlers their belongings, supplies, food, and the skills necessary for survival in the New World. What the settlers gave them in exchange was destined to destroy them: disease, firearms, whiskey, a brutal religion totally at odds with nature, and a demand for material goods that would rob them of their independence. Within ten years of the arrival of Winthrop and his party, the natives welcome of the settlers had worn out. The settlers had appeared on the scene with two objectives in mind with regard to the Indians: secure their land and convert them to Christianity. The natives soon saw trade as the settlers means of exploitation. Sachems began to resent missionaries as interlopers interested only in preparing the way for land grabs. The English made their own laws on what for centuries had been native soil and held natives accountable to English rules. Moreover, any breach of English aw resulted in a natives being subjected to a public humiliation unknown in his or her own culture. Relations were scarcely improved by the Puritan attitude toward the natives. To the European mind, the natives were sub fiends in the service of the devil whose domain included any untamed land in the New World. Resentment naturally mounted. But it was the differing views of land and the English determination to acquire New World land that caused open warfare to erupt. It is within the context of the native view that land was to be held in common that one must understand the business arrangements between European settlers and the natives. Often the natives had no understanding of what it meant to sell land to the settlers. And according to Roger Williams, a Puritan minister in sympathy with the Indians, Europeans used the natives naivete in this regard to acquire huge tracts of land without fully explaining the exclusive rights they intended securing and without fair and proper payment. At first, the natives blithely sold tribal lands in small and large tracts, believing that ownership would not exclude them from using the land. They realized only later that what the Europeans were doing was rapidly acquiring exclusive private use of virtually all the tribal lands in New England and subjecting natives on these lands to the laws of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. One instance that reveals the conflict that arose because of the differing views of land ownership centered on the area of Dedham, Massachusetts, which European capitalists had acquired from the natives. The owners of the land actually lived hundreds of miles away-not on the land they owned in Dedham. Seeing no activity on the land, the natives believed they were free to hunt, trap, fish, build houses, and cultivate gardens there. This attitude was not removed from that of the philosopher John Locke, who so strongly influenced the thinking of the fathers of the American Revolution. He wrote that one could own the land only with which one mixed ones labourand could actually use. But the colonists were massing great estates on which they might eventually establish business enterprises, and they strongly objected to the presence of the natives on land that they now owned. Similar quarrels began to occur throughout the colonies, leading to armed hostilities. There were many conflicts between settlers and natives throughout the colonial period. One of the first major conflicts occurred in 1637. Word reached Boston in July that an English trader named John Oldham had been killed by Pequot Indians. The New England colonies raised a militia and waged war against the Pequot for a solid year. On June 5, 1637, a militia destroyed a large Pequot village at Stonington, Connecticut, and a little over a month later a military force made up of soldiers from three New England colonies tracked down the survivors of the Stonington village at a place near New Haven and slaughtered all they could find. Other Pequot men and boys who were eventually captured were sold into slavery in the West Indies. The women and girls became slaves to white settlers in New England. With their numbers decimated, their main villages burned, their stored food and supplies stolen, the few Survivors in this tribe left for the west. This was the end of the entire tribes presence in New England. Although for forty years after this incident, there was no open warfare between settlers and natives, relations between them were hardly cordial. Individuals from both camps were guilty of murders and thefts, and the English continued to gobble up land. Land disputes continued, the one at Dedham in 1668 and 1669 being one of the most prominent. There were also quarrels with the Narraganset in Rhode Island where Massachusetts Bay businessmen, under the Atherton Company, began commandeering immense amounts of Indian land. In this case, the European settlers of Rhode Island sided with the natives against the settlers of Massachusetts Bay and Connecticut. After the embittered Narragansett caused property damage near some Connecticut plantations, the New England Confederation demanded that the natives either pay a fine, which was too large for them to meet, or forfeit all their lands to the business corporation. Immediate disaster was averted when the king of England, Charles II, intervened at Rhode Islands request to side with the Narraganset and voided the claims of the Atherton Company. Still, the company tried to ignore the kings dictate and continued appropriating Narraganset land. Throughout the 1660s and 1670s, the General Courts of the Massachusetts Bay or Plymouth Colony made a habit of hauling tribal sachems before them to quiz them on rumors of conspiracies or allegiances with tribes or nationals that the bay considered unfriendly. Once these hearings were over, the court would present the defendant with a bill for court costs, as it did the Wampanoag chief, King Philip, in 1667. The reason for the disintegration of relations and the buildup of hostilities was simple: the colonists planned on and were determined to secure key Indian land as part of the expansion into the Connecticut Valley, and the Indians were determined that this would not happen. King Philip had historically been friendly with the settlers, but suspicions mounted, rumors raged on, and the English demanded that various tribes surrender their weapons. When the English suspected that the natives had not surrendered their weapons, they prepared for war in 1671, finally forcing the natives to pay ? 100 worth of goods to the colony, to recognize English law, and to accede to any colonies decisions regarding the disposal of Indian land. For four years, King Philip and other sachems inwardly seethed over the humiliation. Finally, in June 1675, after Plymouth Colonys execution of three of King Philips men for the murder of an informant, the Indian chief began his raids on settlements in a year-long war in which many native tribes sided with the settlers. Some fifty towns along the frontier were burned. By 1676, the English had lost about 2,000 people, and the natives had lost about 4,000 in battle. With the decisive defeat of King Philips forces in 1676 (King Philip himself was killed, drawn and quartered, and his head brought to Boston for display) came the virtual end of the native tribes in New England. There was no longer a question of negotiating for land or paying the usual ? 25 for an estate. All Indian land was now up for confiscation as the settlers ictated the terms for takeovers and appropriated Indian land as the spoils of war. Prisoners of war were executed by the scores, most without trial and many of whom had been friendly to the settlers. Immediately, however, New England businessmen realized the cash value of the prisoners, so many more were sold into slavery and shipped to the West Indies, Spain, and the Mediterranean. Those deemed less dangerous became bound servants in the colonies to alleviate the perpetual labou rshortage. Natives, who fifty years earlier had called the whole New England area their home, to be held in common with their brothers, were restricted to reservations. The more fortunate of them were allowed to be tenant farmers or to work as hired hands. In the 1620s, they had numbered around 75,000 people. Their people had lived in New England for thousands of years. By the 1680s, decimated by disease, alcohol, and wars with the settlers, their numbers had dropped to 20,000, only half the number of the new European settlers. One further notorious clash between Native Americans and settlers in the colonial period occurred on February 29, 1704, during a time when many tribes had sided with the French in the fight between French and English over the domination of northern New England. A company of 28 Frenchmen and 200 Native Americans launched an attack on Deer- field, Massachusetts, a town of three hundred residents, twenty miles south of what is now Vermont. Forty-eight Deerfield residents were killed, and 111 were taken hostage.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Analysis Of Starbucks Five Forces And Value Chain Case Study

Analysis Of Starbucks Five Forces And Value Chain Case Study Analysis Of Starbucks Five Forces And Value Chain – Case Study Example Analysis of Starbucks Five forces and value chain The porters five forces are used, in theory, to analyse the industry and develop a strategy. The effects include competition, consumers, suppliers, substitution of products. Their relationship is explained diagrammatically as below.Starbucks as a global coffee company generated $14.9 billion in revenues in the year 2013. It has a network of over 200,000 partners. Competition: it faces a lot of competition from well-established operators within the industry like McDonalds, Caribou Coffee and Costa. Customer bargaining is very high on its side due to low switching costs. In addition, there is a significant threat to its substitutes from tea, water, soft drinks among many others. Their suppliers also have a very high bargaining power due to the vast demand for coffee while only a few places favor its production. However, there is little threat concerning entrants because of the saturation of the market and massive investments required to establish operations into the market (Lee 2014). Value Chain Analysis allows the firm to know varied aspects of its operation. These include infrastructure, human resources, technology development and procurement. The analysis exists as primary activities and supports roles. Inbound logistics of Starbucks involves establishment and communication of Coffee quality. The company operates in over 50 countries through its licensed stores. Outbound logistics includes sales of the products directly through its stores (Lee 2014). There is little involved in marketing as the quality sells itself. However, the company provides high-level customer service as stipulated in its mission statement.Support services involve infrastructures such as well defined management planning, finance, accounting and legal support. HR is seen by the company as the most valuable asset and accorded the necessary requisite to work. The company uses technology to save on its costs and to bust efficiency and effecti veness. Its procurement wing deals with purchases required in production (Lee 2014).ReferencesLee, H. (2014). Starbucks Building supply chain excellence. New York: Springer.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

A DOLL'S HOUSE BY Henrik Ibsen Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

A DOLL'S HOUSE BY Henrik Ibsen - Essay Example You were a successful professional and a decent family man. You were a Man, who observed all the social rules and satisfied all the social expectations. But that was all. That evening I realized that you had no inner life, no identity other than your social one. Social rules and others’ opinion meant for you more than people around you. You thought of yourself through the eyes of others and you treated people according to their social roles. Those, who dared to break the rules you minded, who were inappropriate to the position you occupied, were to be isolated as immoral and dangerous. Your conventionality spread over your entire life, and even your attitudes to me. It was so pleasant (and so respectable) to have a young and beautiful wife, who was a triumph at all the parties, contributing to your firm position, and who entirely belonged to you! It aroused your desire, a desire of a lucky hunter. No, you did not love me. I was your trophy, your male toy. I existed merely to p erform tricks for you, Torvald. Do you remember what I told you that evening? Our marriage was a long-lasting performance; our home was a doll’s house. I was your doll-wife, and our children were my dolls. I thought it great fun when you played with me, just as they thought it great fun when I played with them. As you put it: The unutterable ugliness of it all! For shame! For shame! To feel a man you needed to hold me tight. My ‘womanly helplessness’, as you called it, gave me a double attractiveness in your eyes. I played the game you offered me. I had been taught this game since my childhood. And I liked it. It provided me with a well-known comfort. I knew, how painful and humiliating it would be for you, with your ‘manly independence’, to know that you owed me anything, that I was not that weak and brittle you wanted me to see! I realized that such knowledge would upset our mutual relations altogether and put the

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Plant Research Project Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Plant Project - Research Paper Example A brief consideration of theoretical information about the mentioned plant will be beneficial for better perception of the results of the present study. Andrographis, or Andrographis paniculata, belongs to the family Acanthaceae. (Hobbs, Gardner, 2013, 17). The motherland to the plant is the Tropical Asia, particularly the Indian Subcontinent with its areas of India and Sri Lanka. (GRIN, 2005). Andrographis hs been naturalized to several geographic locations, it is widely cultivated and can be seen today in such regions as Africa (Mauritius), Temperate and Tropical Asia (China, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia), Southern America (the Caribbean region), Central America, Australia. (GRIN, 2005). â€Å"The plant is erect and widely branching, reaching 2 to 3 feet tall, with long, green, square stems; small, lance-shaped leaves; and tiny, flecked, white to pale pink flowers in long, slim clusters.† (Hobbs, Gardner, 2013, 17). Andrographis is primarily used for the medical (medicines making) and treatment purposes: it is possible to find it at the chemists’ as tablets and capsules. (Hobbs, Gardner, 2013, 17). This plant possesses such beneficial from the medical point of view features as immunity boosting and antiviral effect. (Hobbs, Gardner, 2013, 17). Traditional form of this plant application has been the form of decoction or tea, which could be accompanied by herbs possessing sweet taste (stevia or licorice), because andrographis is very bitter. (Hobbs, Gardner, 2013, 18). The mentioned medicine shall be consumed before the meals due to its effect of the digestion enhancing. The point of concern here is that it is necessary to start with a dose of tea which is weak, and then reach stronger doses. (Hobbs, Gardner, 2013, 18). Andrographis is capable of treatment of a wide range of ailment conditions and diseases of a human body. It can be applied for preventing of flu and cold, and it

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The things we seen- hazardous materials Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The things we seen- hazardous materials - Essay Example The article presents with four incidents associated with the lack of knowledge regarding waste disposal which could have been safely avoided if proper regulations and methods were employed in the first place. The article provides for many important suggestions for the Emergency Responders which need to be taken care of when an incident of toxic material disposal comes up. It indicates the fact that an Emergency Responder should have adequate information regarding the different toxic materials and the methods that may be employed for their disposal. This is because incorrect techniques can result in severe consequences. Proper equipment with the Emergency Responders is also important which include remote drum openers as well as effective apparatus for the checking of the hazardous contents at the sites. The knowledge regarding the mixing of different chemicals should also be known along with the reactions caused by different hazardous substances so that essential decisions can be take n by the Emergency Responder at the site of the incidents. The article reports of four different cases where inappropriate methods of disposal were used.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Problems Faced by Starbucks in India

Problems Faced by Starbucks in India Jump to: SWOT Analyis of Starbucks  | PEST Analysis of Starbucks Starbucks Coffee Company has gone through some major makeovers throughout its existence. Starbucks was initially a small entrepreneurial business partnership, which sold only roasted coffee beans, tea, and spices. Later on, Starbucks took on a director by the name of Howard Schultz, who had great vision for the company, but whose ideas were rejected. Schultz went on to later purchase the corporation and grow it to what we now know as one of the largest and most loved coffee chains in the country. Having expanded into several other countries, such as Canada, Japan, and China, Starbucks yearned to step foot in the Indian market and leave its footprint there. However, this invasion would not be as easy as they had hoped. Case 7: Starbucks Coffee Company Founded in 1971 by Gordon Bowker, Jerry Baldwin, and Zez Siegel, Starbucks was simply a place for consumers to purchase high quality, dark roasted, whole coffee beans. As is the coffee addiction trend, this was a popular investment for the partners. The business did very well and had expanded to five retail outlets within ten years. In 1982, Howard Schultz joined the company as the director of Retail Operations and Marketing. While on a business trip in Milan, Italy, he had an epiphany. Fresh brewed coffee was not limited to households, as Milan alone had 1,500 coffee bars. He wished to expand Starbucks to sell freshly brewed coffee as well, and to bring the coffee bar experience of Italy home to the states and to Starbucks clientele. Schultz suggestions were shot down, pushing him to leave the company and give life to his visions on his own. Having worked out many initially neglected concepts, his coffee bar, Il Giornale, became a huge success, reaching around $500,000 annual sales by mid 1987 and having attained three locations, one of which was opened in Canada. Current Situation In 2006, Schultz announced Starbucks intent to expand into the countries of Russia and India. Indias conditions for market entry were pretty favorable, and it seemed like a great time to make their move. The population is high and the majority of the population is youthful and is expected to remain youthful for years to come. It has become a place for many companies to outsource production and services, and is simply all around a great opportunity. However, there are also constraining factors for economic growth. Yet when the government announced permission, per their approval and certain restrictions, for Foreign Direct Investment in retail trade of single brand products, several chains announced their intentions to take advantage of this opportunity. Current Performance Starbucks coffee houses serviced, entertained, and provided a cultural atmosphere to over 40 million customers in its 7,600 retail locations in the United States alone. Starbucks entered markets regions at daily rates through a strategic plan that phenomenally gained success in China, Asia, and Japan becoming the leader in specialty coffee around the world. By the end of 2006 and with careful environmentally scanning through strategic measures based on the objectives, mission, and having a vision for the Starbucks brand, Starbucks entered joint ventures, partnerships, and market segments which increased its sales to over 300% reaching $103 million in 2 years; that is, from 1990 to 1992. Starbucks offers an assortment and well desired variety of premium coffee fitted to the cultures of its retail outlet locations. Despite the intense competition Starbucks next destination was to reach into the market segments of India and Russia; however, many economic, technological, political-legal, and socio-cultural factors existed. Starbucks faced constraints of encompassing the productions of its high quality premium coffee beans at the risk of distributions and control of workers well-being, and its established trade relationships. Corporate Governance . Having seen the accuracy of his visions in his own coffee bars, Schultz decided to purchase the assets, including the company name, of Starbucks when they became available for sale in 1987. He refaced his Il Giornale stores to Starbucks stores, and promised his investors growth. Schultz then began his journey to take over the world, several Starbucks locations at a time. In 1992, after seeing drastic growth over the past three years, the corporation went public, raising $29 million from their Initial Public Offering. Schultz then went on to dominate the U.S. market with the companys high quality products and services. After having taken over the market, the company began working on new products as well. Initially, Schultz refused to franchise the company name for fear that he would lose the business model he had worked so hard to build. He wanted to ensure that customers everywhere received the same quality, experience, knowledge, and service during their visit no matter what location they walked in to. Even partnerships were closely examined and evaluated before receiving approval. Corporations had to be reputable and value the Starbucks name and image if they wished to serve the brand. Current Performance. Since the inception of Starbucks after being purchased by Schultz, the corporation has been growing rapidly and successfully in North America. In 1994, the company was formed into Starbucks International, wishing to expand its footprint to other countries. The company had three goals in mind: prevent competition from gaining the lead in other countries, benefit from the high number of coffee drinkers in other populations, and build on the growing demand for Western brands. Starbucks began opening international locations in 1996. Having done their homework, Starbucks saw great opportunity in Japan, as it was a rapidly growing market for coffee, especially specialty coffee, and chose that as their first targeted location. The company continued to grow into other countries and dominate markets well into the early 2000s. Japan is the companys largest revenue source outside of North America, and the chain continues to thrive in all the countries it occupies. Strategic Posture . Starbucks has announced their intention to enter the Indian market numerous times now. In order to enter the market successfully and strongly, and with the intent to remain there for years to come, they need to find a trustworthy, competent partner. The company is still working on finding that partner, in which they can put their trust, to hold true to the Starbucks name and brand. Although the Indian market is a great opportunity, the company holds its values and business model to be more important. Starbucks has made efforts to stay green by using recycled cups, and even revamping the menu to include healthier selections. They have formed Starbucks Entertainment, are planning to publish books, and coming up with new ideas on a regular basis. Schultz is dead serious about taking his company Hollywood and beyond (Horovitz, 2006). Schultz has worked hard to build and grow his brand. Therefore, they will not partner with simply anyone. Discussion Within the industry markets that Starbucks faces is a problem reflected by the absence of empowerment and the responsibility of co-operative structures that go beyond the global supply chains engaged in shared responsibilities within poorer countries. Starbucks faced a dilemma regarding the well-being of its workers where constraints of resources, health concern, and fair trade agreements rested on the consumers buying decision to buy fair trade products. There seems to be big plans in the making for corporate conglomerates with no real social responsibilities and only strategic maneuvering; yet, Starbucks marketing mechanism was not through the media but by word of mouth which was a far reach into the homes and lives of those who consumed not just coffee or tea but Starbucks coffee. Starbucks coffee now left with its very own strategy and vision embraced by a coffee culture is threatened in a market that has to contend with its workers and its coffee producers well-being and earmark ed by threats of market-based sanctions in the form of reputational damage (MacDonald, 2007) if it failed to comply with activist demands regarding health concerns and economic governance. What are the strengths and weaknesses of Starbucks International? What are the opportunities and threats facing Starbucks? SWOT ANALYSIS Strengths #1 specialty coffee retailer 11,000 stores in 36 countries w/ 10,000 employees 40 Million customers weekly Uncompromising quality, customer service and relationships (captured social aspect of coffee) Knowledge ( advice in brewing) Sophisticated Store development (6-mo. opening schedule) Expansion strategy (20 more stores 1st 2 yrs) Took advantage of higher coffee consumption rates in other countries Used joint ventures and licenses to enter foreign marketsWeakness Product pricing Large Company (quick to expand) Weaknesses Too many stores in the same radius Cultural issues (Japan food coffee), no smoking High cost (Rent labor) No In house facilities (Roasting) Less control of stores on US soil Tea drinking countries opposed coffee Opportunities Starbucks to offer the finest coffee in the world to India within the next 18 months. Starbucks had an awesome image, more than offering fine coffee, great music, great people, a comfortable/upbeat meeting place, and sound advice on brewing at home. Made locations in high-traffic (e.g. Malls, busy street corners, and grocery stores) Starbucks strategically gained a foothold in the market it entered and quickly moved on to the next market. Starbucks became the leading player in Boston overnight Starbucks was able to build a plan to open stores daily. Threats Starbucks postponed entry into India in the face of problems in Japan and recently entered China Japan originally a tea drinking country, with a per capita consumption of coffee in 1965 of 300g/day Starbucks was opening stores too close to each other which affected their brand image Starbucks gained intense competition who took advantage by including elaborate food menus, and had separate smoking areas. Japan had high rent and cost of labor China was traditionally a tea drinking company Opportunities (continuation): Much like China, India has traditionally been a tea culture, yet a growing coffee culture is emerging, among the countrys young adults. Starbucks did joint ventures, licensing, and partnerships internationally. Joint Ventures helped to get their name out there with a reputable company already doing business there for years so they have the know-how when it comes to the customers of that region and their demands Threats (continuation): China had inadequate infrastructure, bureaucracy, regulatory and foreign investment controls, the reservation of key products for small scale industries, and high fiscal deficits constrained economic growth in India India was the largest producer and consumer of tea Starbucks faced the challenge of the increasing obesity rate in India. Starbucks was the target of consumer health groups against high-calorie and high fat products which led to obesity, heart disease and cancer What are the strategic factors facing Starbucks? PEST Analysis The strategic factors facing Starbucks is maintaining its identity while pursuing its product reach within the international markets where its premium prices for its products are served in poorer countries. Political and Legal factors:  Starbucks sought after potential joint venture partnerships in India and Russia. To prepare for the interpersonal business relationships, partnerships and future business endeavors, Starbucks sought to acquire a competitive intelligent strategy by gathering key information such as scouting locations and meeting with government officials prior to entering these markets to fully gain the additional market knowledge required for its success. Government actions impacted Starbucks as a challenge with exchange control, trade agreements, trademarks, and other foreign regulations all of which protected the working farmers and their rights. Economic Factors: The Starbucks product and service offerings allowed in Japan were twice that much in the United States and yet Starbucks incurred huge losses due to the surmounting consumption of the Japanese intake of its gourmet and premium priced coffees. In 1997 alone Starbucks opened 10 stores in prime locations; thereafter, Starbucks reined with profits from the 3.17 grams of coffee consumption per day allowing in 2002 Starbucks to open well over 360 stores. The strategy Starbucks initialized in its mission, objectives, and vision to be a success was to be the first to move to get a head start on the competition; however, analysis indicated that Starbucks cultural and high traffic locations were too close to one another and the socio-cultural aspect this affected the Starbucks brand image. Starbucks coffee entered new markets with new leadership that recognized the culture, history, and quality behind premium coffee; however, the no-smoking policy, high rent, and cost of labor in Japan posed great challenges to Starbucks. Starbucks incurred additional losses with the exchange of materials. Starbucks only offered India ground roasted premium coffee beans, Japan did not have a roasting facility; therefore, Starbucks paid additional shipping costs to allow shipment of its coffee from its roasting facility in Kent to Japan. Socioeconomical Factors: The vision imposed by Mr. Schultz, the new owner of Starbucks, no longer wanted coffee to be sold as a produce but instead wanted the Starbucks coffee to reach into the heart and soul of its consumers. The coffee consumption rates in different international markets such as in the Asian markets where coffee market is in the development stage, Starbucks faced the challenge of having to educate the market and future consumers about the quality of coffee, the experience, and the idea of coffee away from health concerns. Pricing decisions in India posed a great challenge to Starbucks due to the increase in disposable income and economic situations that affected their idea about coffee which included: Shifts in demographics and social trends such as the age of the coffee consumer. The obesity rates which have an impact on corporate responsibility programs. Competitive disadvantages over better service than Starbucks Western style. Technological factors: Maintaining the Starbucks coffee culture without impact to its foreign trade relations impacted the commerce in China many were opposed to the Starbucks culture of a Western coffee chain. In China the traditional consumption of tea was dominant over coffee and preference was made to instant coffee as opposed to the Starbucks premium fresh roasted coffee partly because coffee was mainly for sophisticated urban consumers. Does Starbucks possess a distinctive competency? If yes, does it fit the Indian market? We absolutely believe that Starbucks does possess a distinctive competency. They are the leader in high quality, dark roasted, whole Arabica coffee beans. They also offer such a large variety of flavors. Their extensive product line also appeals to the different tastes of their heterogeneous consumer base. Given that the company has expanded to encompass a lounge, creating a homey feeling, and serve food items as well, the atmosphere is very inviting and welcoming, attracting the variant crowd. The environment Starbucks locations create for the public would mesh extremely well in the Indian market. Coffee consumption in India is growing drastically, although too different likings. The current coffee bars in India provide some similar environments to that of Starbucks, and the ones which are different appear to be simple enough to where Starbucks can meet the needs of the Indian consumers, should it choose to adjust slightly. For example, there is a Garden Cafà ©, and a Cyber Cafà ©, as well as a Highway Cafà ©. If Starbucks wishes to stay competitive and can do so without hurting their current image, they can create similar cafà ©s with the same type of peaceful home away from home environment which they currently strive to achieve. However, simply due to the number of coffee shops in India, and the fact that much of the Indian population has no preference for filtered coffee over instant, it may present a difficult situation for Starbucks to remain competitive as far as pricing, quality, and overall reasons why the consumers should select their brand over the existing ones. During a company conference call on May 3, 2006, Howard Schultz wrapped up his portion of the discussion with a statement of motivation and goal declaration. Looking ahead, the ambition and the level of enthusiasm to continue to grow present us with greater opportunity than ever before. With a long growth trajectory and so much opportunity ahead, we will strive to continue to provide the highest quality products and service and protect our brand and reputation as we innovate and grow into the future (Schultz, 2006). What are the keys to success in Starbucks operating in India? For Starbucks to be successful in India they must concentrate on the home countrys food habits and especially the current and upcoming Indian beverage market. In the United States the Starbucks current menu consist of muffins, yogurts, sandwiches, paninis, cookies and cakes. Though these delicious treats are suffice to the general public from area to area here in the states, the diversity of Indias culture make it thus that dishes are distinctive from one region to another. What we do know is that spicy foods and sweet foods remained popular across the board in India as well as wheats, rice and gravy based dishes. What this means for Starbucks is that certain locations will have to make offerings that are very specific to that region as there is no one size fits all for this culture. If Starbucks were to offer dishes at its locations, they would need to have the food cooked and prepared in a way that was native to the residents. Starbucks would also need to take in account if the locations would be primarily in northern or southern India, as South Indians consume most coffee. Another key to Starbucks success is how they introduce themselves into the Indian beverage market. Similar to the food habits of Indian residents, taste and preferences for beverages is determined by your geographic location. Most Northern Indians are tea drinkers and an occasional coffee drinker; I suggest Starbucks should figure out how to convert those casual drinkers to full time coffee drinkers. The reason being is the growth of quick service chains that is continually expanding in India, in an article by The Economic Times they expressed that the quick-service restaurant market is worth $13 billion and grows roughly 25-30 percent a year and that Indias entire food service market is worth $64 billion (Starbucks, dunkin donuts, 2011). Because of this large amount of growth, Starbucks target market should be the young and the trendy. Indias population has 700 million people who are under the age of 30 which accounts for 60 percent of their population (Starbucks, dunkin donuts, 201 1). For example hometown cafes like Cafà © Coffee Day, Italian Barista and Costa are receiving positive responses from the youth and these cafà ©s are gaining popularity among their group (Mohapatra, 2010). With the consistent growth of the coffee industry at 5 to 6 percent a year (Mohapatra, 2010) I see no reason why Starbucks shouldnt be successful in India if our suggestions are followed. What products does Starbucks offer? Starbucks coffee is an expensive high premium coffee grown from Arabica beans, which accounts for approximately 10% of the total worldwide coffee purchases. The coffees are sold under the Starbucks, Seattles Best Coffee and Torrefazione Italia brands and include: Hot drinks: Venti, Grande, Tall, and Short and Cold drinks: Iced Venti, Iced Grande, Iced Tall, and Frappucino to name a few. Starbucks Coffees: Regular, Decaffeinated, Starbucks VIA (ready brew French roast), Starbucks Reserve (exotic, rare, and exquisite coffees), Coffee from mild to extra bold. Starbucks international: Starbucks Latin American, Africa Arabia, Asia Pacific, Multi-Regional, Specialty, Organic, Whole Bean, and Ground coffees, syrups, and powered blends. Starbucks Beijing offered coffee beverages, 15 varieties and blends of the finest Arabica coffee beans, fresh baked pastries and desserts. Starbucks Japan included an elaborate food menu. Starbucks offers coffee pods, filter packs, portion packs, and instant coffee products. Starbucks offers coffee gifts, gift boxes, gift packs, brewing equipment, drink-ware including espresso machines, coffee makers, coffee presses, grinders, teakettles, teapots and accessories including gift cards and delivery of its products. Starbucks stores also offered fresh pastries and sandwiches. (Japan) Are circumstances appropriate at this time for Starbucks to successfully enter into the Indian market? I believe that circumstances are appropriate for Starbucks to successfully enter into India. With a newly signed agreement with Tata and a growing young adult generation, Starbucks can have a strong impact on the coffee market in India. Starbucks remain rooted to its core beliefs and objectives if it is going to succeed in India. The agreement with Tata, a gold medal Robusta coffee producer, shows that Starbucks is not abandoning its premium and rich culture. It will continue to produce its tasteful and premium coffee to the India urban community. Indias population is also one of the youngest in the world. According to a study by 2020 the average age of an Indian person would be 29 years old. This young generation will help shift the country from a primary based tea drinking company to more of a coffee based country. This younger generation in India also has a taste for Western culture. Starbucks is a strong Western company that can have a strong impact in India.   Starbucks will face challenges with coffee competitors that have made their imprint on the Indian community. These competitors are Cafà © Coffee Day, Qwikys, and Barista. Starbucks still has competitive western advantage when compared to these other competitors. Their prices are also said to be in line with its competitors, giving Starbucks a chance to succeed.  To enter the Indian market successfully they must understand that the Indian people are focused on leading a healthy lifestyle. Starbucks high calorie, fat products will pose a challenge of successfully entering the market. With good management and a strong strategic plan, Starbucks can successfully conquer these challenges in India. The Indian market is growing and Starbucks has the culture and product to succeed. What are the 3 reasons that Starbucks International pursues international expansion? Starbucks International pursues international expansion with the sole desire to recreate the Italian coffee culture with these important variables in mind. To take on its competition early on from gaining a head start in international markets. To build upon its growing desire for the Western brands To benefit from the higher coffee consumption rates in different countries. Monitored Trends in the International Society and International Natural Environments Political-Legal: Environmental protection laws, foreign trade regulations, stability of government, attitudes towards foreign companies, tax laws, and anti-trust regulations impacts the governance and the strategies preempted by Starbucks. Economic: GDP, Inflation rates, Wage/Price controls, Disposable and discretionary income of international markets reflects consumer demands and sales. Sociocultural: Lifestyle changes, rate of family formation, growth rate of population, age distribution of population, health care, living wage, and unionization. Technological: Total industry spending for RD, focus of technology efforts, patent protection, new products, and environmental awareness standards that would allow for better management of crops, more efficient farming, reduction in cost, increase yields, and decrease environmental impact. 8b. Are each of these criteria met in the Indian Market? Yes, these 3 criteria are met in the Indian market. Since there are only three big name coffee spots in India, Starbucks is acting early before other coffee companies in North America or Europe mimic their idea of entering the Indian market. Many retail giants are entering India at this time, it is important that Starbucks enters to get a head start on the competition. By entering now Starbucks may obtain certain locations that are likely to be profitable before competitors or other retail giants acquire the space.   Since Western brands are popular among the younger generation in India, Starbucks has met this criterion in the Indian market. With one of the youngest populations in the world, the Indian market will see an increased demand for Western products by this generation. Starbucks comfortable atmosphere and it ambiance of an extended family will make coffee more beloved in the Indian market if they choose to enter. Coffee consumption has also seen a steady rise recently . In 2005 coffee consumption in India jumped to 85,000 tons. Starbucks is hopeful that this consumption will steadily increase over the years. If they enter the market now they have a strong chance of succeeding. With the increased consumption of coffee in this primarily tea-based country, the Indian market has met Starbucks International criteria of benefiting from a growing coffee consumption rate.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

A new social contract

There are many suggestions for reform in government’s relationship to the economy. As I had hinted in my earlier discourse, many of my recommendations deal with eliminating government’s intervention in economic activity. Thus, there needs to be a creation of a free market economy, independent of government influence as a means to stimulate economic enterprise toward more productivity and to restore the economy to a strong position. However, given the long history of government involvement, it is highly unlikely that such action is possible.I guess it is time for a new social contract. It seems that the policies and practices in the employment of relationships in America are no longer responsive to the needs of today’s working families and society. There had been more emphasis on increased profits and productivity while the wages have remained the same, or worst, declined and stagnated for families. The irony is that people are working harder, but they do not belo ng among those who share in the gains from their efforts. Only a small percentage of the population is privileged to have that benefit, adding to the increasing inequality. The families are affected by these changes and one wonders what he can do in the face of these economic changes. The implicit social contract that encompasses work such as loyalty and hard work are not necessarily rewarded with fair and increasing wages. This has been blotted out by a norm where employers give center stage to stock price and even short-term gains, which are often at the expense of the workers who work hard daily.What we call the American Dream is usually the promise of riches and prosperity and a life that is well-lived.   This has been the ideal ever since that ensures one success in life so long as he is willing to sacrifice everything to work for it. It has been such an illusion for many. Thus the American dream has become a driving and motivating force for millions of people who flock to th e â€Å"Land of the Free† because they want to escape the poverty in their countries. They think that their only option viable to them is to move to a country that promises them success, wealth, freedom from material prosperity.However, even though this is oftentimes true for the people who really do work hard for the dream, the American Dream must not be promoted as it is. The reason here is because it shifts the focus from the true values that count in the family to the material wealth and greed that entices people to come work in a land of opportunities which may otherwise not turn out to be so (The American Dream).I remember Walt Whitman’s poem I Hear America Singing where there is the sense of each one seeking his own personal niche in the land of promises as seen in the following lines:â€Å"Each singing what belongs to him or her and to none else, The day what belongs to the day–at night the party of young fellows, robust, friendly, Singing with open mou ths their strong melodious songs.†(I Hear America Singing).It almost captures that desire as one reads the entire work and is very descriptivethat the future belongs to the young and those who are open to opportunities. For the people who leave their country of origin, there is a substantial tradeoff for embracing the American Dream. Behind the veil of power and comparative material wealth that is promised to every individual, there is a significant loss that one must encounter. And that loss is the loss of traditional culture. In the essay by MSNBC columnist Eric Liu, he states that during one of his dinner meals at a friend’s house: â€Å"The more time I spent in their midst, the more I learned to be like them. To make their everyday idioms and idiosyncrasies familiar. To possess them.† This particular longing to assimilate all of the â€Å"everyday idioms and idiosyncrasies† of the American culture was brought about not by curiosity or a certain zeal fo r knowledge. This particular longing was fueled by negative emotions. This passion for learning the ropes of American culture was born out of the longing of the desire to fit in.The American Dream may be able to provide a person the necessary wealth that one could only dream about in his native country but it also takes away the immaterial liberties that come from being rooted in a different culture. This is what is seen in Tony Went to the Bodega But He Didn’t Buy Anything. Because the person sat at the doorway and saw people come and go, his being in that position depicted a life of leisure which one thinks could be achieved if he pursues the American Dream. One does not know that there is an illusion to this since one may never attain this goal by just going to a place and hoping that one’s station in life is guaranteed to be easy. The American Dream will always be a Utopian dream until people realize that material wealth is not the only path for success and happine ss. This is seen in the lines,Tony went to the bodega, But he didn’t buy anything: He sat by the doorway satisfied To watch la gente (people Island-brown as him). Crowd in and out, (Tony Went to the Bodega But He Didn’t Buy Anything).The American Dream promises people from all walks of life and all countries of origin that within this land, there is freedom from oppression, freedom from poverty and material wealth but for other people, it will only remain a dream for them. As Langston Hughes remarks, â€Å"I am the people, humble, hungry, mean–Hungry yet today despite the dream.†Ã‚   There have been casualties during this fight for the American Dream. Several people have risked leaving their homelands in search of a bright future in the United States yet there are millions today on relief and people are still being persecuted and discriminated.The land of the free is still a land of oppression and even though people would like to view it as a land of oppo rtunity, it becomes more like a land of   deception and false hopes. Hughes ends his poem with both a revelation of what America has come to be as well an exhortation to the people to make America what is should have been. He says: â€Å"The mountains and the endless plain–All, all the stretch of these great green states–And make America again! (Hughes, 1938).Being optimistic about the dynamic forces of globalization and the practical applications of corporate social responsibilities sweeping multinational and large national organizations, I still believe that there is a balanced solution in multinational’s outsourcing of resources and less developed countries’ mutual advantage from this economic relationship. It is the primary duty of the national governments to uphold their sovereignty and protect their natural resources, especially their human resource or labor from being corrupted by foreign companies. They must uphold their constitution and by law s and promote more economic and bilateral policies to protect their people and resources at the same time harness their economic potential for the nation’s own advantage, growth and development.They must dictate the terms for which their resources will be used, taking into consideration the growth and comparative advantage of their people and the extinction of their natural resources and habitat. The notion about hiring local managers and staff is preliminary. Of paramount importance is the question of how and in what terms they will allow the multinationals to exhaust their most important resources and capital.In effect, the dream that once tugged at people’s hearts never really existed in the first place. The dream that made people leave their homelands only remain a dream because there are people who still have not â€Å"made it† in America. There is something amiss in the ruckus that is about the American Dream. On one side, the American Dream remains a drea m where the corruption and the apathy of people continues to prevent it from coming true while on the other side, the American Dream comes with too high a price. It asks for the individual’s culture, it torments the person and convinces him into thinking that if you do not assimilate the American culture, you will never make it.Given the importance of our work in our daily lives, our policies and institutions need to provide decent benefits and the opportunity to use one’s abilities to the maximum. Consistent with our nation’s democratic principles, all Americans must possess a freedom to voice out their opinions and be treated fairly. This just means that we value a balance between the interests of the employers and shareholders and the interests of the family.ReferencesThe American Dream. Retrieved Oct. 20, 2007 at: Hear America Singing by Walt Literature Classic.Retrieved Oct. 20, 2007 at:  Ã‚  Ã ‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚, Langston. 1938. â€Å"Let America Be America Again.† Retrieved Oct. 20, 2007 at: Went to the Bodega But He Didn’t Buy   Anything.Retrieved Oct. 20, 2007 at:

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Art and Society Essay

All art – whether it be visual, music, literature, film, etc. – is affected by the specific cultural climate in which it is produced (time, place, social conventions, etc.) and is often created in reaction to â€Å"movements† or styles that came before it. How important is it to know these sorts of historical details to appreciate a work of art?  To know the historical details of a work of art is essential because without it you would never be able to aprreciate the work the same way. To be able to understand it better one has to know at what point in time was it made so when you see a painting of a steamboat knowing that the painting was made just after it was invented would give you a much different understanding than if it was made yestaerday. To whole different emotional responsed would be made. This is the same for the place (culture) social conventions, etc. What is ‘Good’ Art?  8. As you wander through the contemporary galleries on the first or second floor, select a work of art that leaves you puzzled at best. Write down the title and the artist. Research the piece at the library or on the internet, or speak to an art expert to understand the artist and the intended message.  (a) Does this new information change your appreciation for the piece? Explain by referring specifically to the artist’s intention and the specific work. I chose â€Å"The Bremen town musicians† by Gim Hong-Sok South Korea. After searching in the internet I found out that the sculpture of the Donkey, Dog, Cat and a Rooster, is actually based on a story by the Brothers Grimm with the same title, I had no idea what the sculpture meant at that time because there is no description except a â€Å"fictional one† which states that the furry animal costumes are a family of Mexican illegal aliens and that they are paid 8 dolars a day for posing as said sculpture. I think that Gim just wanted to add some humor to art and to the viewer, as many works of art are deeply sentimental and emotional, which I found very satisfiying. In your contemporary gallery wanderings, choose two pieces of work you consider to be ‘good’ and two you consider bad art.  (b) Identify the pieces and state the criteria you consider to be important in making ‘good’ contemporary art[PH1].  Ã‚  Good Art  Why?  Impenetrable-Mona  I think its very good art because it’s a very innovative piece of work, it is just long lines of steel tubes in the form of a cube but the spaces are so tightly together and with small spikes which make the piece impenetrable just like its named. It also looks modern and neat as it appears to be floating in the air and can be appreciated in 360. Bad Art  Why?  Jean Paul Riopelle-Untitled  I think this is bad art because, there is no pattern at all its just random splashing of colours, and the piece of work doesn’t even have a title, which makes me think as a receiver that Riopelle was just too lazy to come up with a decent name because there was no feeling input into it.  (c) If the artworks you were looking at weren’t part of a national collection and within a purpose-built gallery designed by an internationally recognized architect would you still view them the same way? Who do you think makes the decisions of what appears in National Gallery exhibits? Does their expertise and background matter in your experience of the works? If the pieces I saw were not a part of the national collection, I wouldn’t view the same way because they wouldn’t have the same artisitic value. If a piece of art is recognized by the world and known artists and collections, it gives the works of art much more significance. This doesn’t mean everything that they consider art is something I will also consider art just because its in the gallery.  (d) Do you have the same reactions to the works online as you did viewing them in person? What’s missing? Is this important in viewing art? Can we have the same understanding of something filtered through a â€Å"virtual experience† as exposed to actually experience it in person? Interestingly, one exhibit in the galleries is two computers linking to the website  No I don’t have the same reaction because the quality and the size you can appreciate the works of art is totally different in real life, art is not just viewing but also EXPERIENCING and if you just view it online you are missing the experience of actually being there.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Welfare and Individual Responsibility

Welfare and Individual Responsibility Introduction The U.S. welfare system has grown overtime from a government run system to a state run system. The rationale behind this shift is that a state run function provides a better welfare system that sufficiently addresses the needs of those involved.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Welfare and Individual Responsibility specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This includes the taxpayers who ultimately raise funds for the welfare programs. States have the discretion to prescribe the eligibility criteria and determine the length of time a family may benefit from welfare. Nevertheless, the fundamental ethical issues behind welfare still prevail. The greatest ethical issue that raises a heated debate is the extent to which individuals should be held responsible for their own well-being. According to Federal Safety Net (2013), the U.S. welfare system places the middle class ahead of individuals in severe poverty. Other pe ople argue that the welfare system tends to take away pride from the able poor and fails to assist them escape poverty. Accordingly, the compassion given to the â€Å"poor† may send some signal that the so called poor are not capable of moving beyond their plight (Federal Safety Net, 2013). Application of Virtue Ethics Virtue ethics is very essential in the welfare system. According to Aristotle, a person’s quality of life is dependent on his or her ability to accomplish minimum human goals (Sumner, 1996, p.110). The ultimate goal of all human beings is to have a good, independent life. Many states have programs that focus on promoting employment for individuals so that they may stop relying on welfare. Virtue ethics concentrates on the significance of beating bad character traits such as selfishness and laziness. Rather than focusing on prescribed rules and ways of solving problems, virtue ethics concentrates on assisting people to acquire good habits such as compassi on. Aristotle further suggests that good habits enable people to control their feelings and reason. As a result, a person arrives at morally right decisions when confronted with hard choices. The parties involved in the welfare process should embrace virtue ethics so that they invoke morality in decision-making processes. The government should also use ethical principles in making choices regarding the eligibility and length of time an individual is to benefit from the welfare program. The problem with virtue ethics is that it is very difficult to determine good character traits. This is because people view things differently. Application of Care Ethics Care ethics puts emphasis on the interdependence of individuals (Jawad, 2012, p. 24). In addition, the theory promotes the significance of relationships within families and communities. Care ethics proposes that some individuals are more vulnerable than others.Advertising Looking for essay on ethics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Proponents of this theory argue on the basis of Carol Gilligan’s assertion that girls and women view morality from an empathic and caring perspective in interpersonal relationships. This theory encourages altruism, which involves caring for others’ needs and feelings. Unlike the Kantian and Platonic theories, care ethics does not separate moral thoughts from feelings (Jawad, 2012, p. 33). Care ethics is also different from the libertarian theory which encourages individual independence. Those who argue in support of welfare claim that self-interest is not the only thing that motivates people’s actions (Westfall, 1997). Human beings have an inherent duty of promoting the welfare of the society and its members. Accordingly, stable members naturally have an indomitable willingness to work and support the poor to pick up themselves and act in the same respect toward other members. Critics of care ethi cs contend that the theory focuses on care without putting much inquiry into individuals giving or receiving the same. This theory does not settle claims that the welfare program puts the middle class ahead of the extremely poor people. Furthermore, care ethics fails to determine whether the relationships among care-givers and care-receivers are just (Jawad, 2012, p. 56). Conclusion There is no universally accepted way of evaluating ethical issues. Different theories attempt to solve different ethical problems. The utilitarian theory, which proposes the greatest happiness for the greatest number (Waller, 2011, p. 44, 87), can be applied in solving the welfare problem. The main purpose of utilitarianism is to maximize happiness and minimize suffering. Essentially, individuals make decisions in line with what causes them greatest pleasure. They only engage in what pleases them when given an opportunity. Some people can take advantage of the welfare system so that they receive maintena nce without working. Both â€Å"act utilitarianism† and â€Å"rule utilitarianism† place a great emphasis on the probable consequence of one’s actions (Waller, 2011, p.88). To some scholars, care ethics may pose a great temptation to individuals with self-interest motivation so that they choose not to work. The care ethic cannot exist on its own since it increases the chances of oppression or exploitation of care-givers. Individuals in a society expect from others, and themselves, behavior that promotes the well-being of all members. Utilitarianism advocates for individualism. This implies that the only morally relevant measure is individual welfare (Sumner, 1996, p. 67). Basing on the critical assumption that human utility is commensurable in some way and that it can be divided among individuals, welfare should be distributed in a manner that maximizes happiness and minimizes suffering.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Welfare and Indiv idual Responsibility specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More References Federal Safety Net. (2013, June). Welfare Ethics. Retrieved from Jawad, R. (2012). Religion and Faith-Based Welfare: From Wellbeing to Ways of Being. Bristol: The Policy Press. Sumner, L. W. (1996). Welfare, Happiness and Ethics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Waller, B.N. (2011). Consider Ethics: Theory, Readings, and Contemporary Issues, 3rd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. Westfall, J. (1997). The Welfare of the Community. Issues in Ethics, 8(3). Retrieved from

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free Religion and Medical Practice Essay

Free Religion and Medical Practice Essay results on the link between religion and health. The book also concluded on the recommended clinical applications to overcome any controversies that emerge. Mathews (199) further considers conflicts between spiritual and health matters by observing that issues gravitating around ethics often arise. At this stage, it is significant to note that health is a diverse topic that extends to abortion, end of life debates, or assisted suicide among others. More precisely, ethical concerns are the primary aspects that put the two aspects in conflict. Koenig, H. G. (1998). Handbook of religion and mental health. San Diego: Academic press. The book considers mental health. The consideration is done in regards to the extension of healthcare services to people who come from different health backgrounds. Those considered include: Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, Hindu and Jewish. The book is designed for clinicians as it describes how religion-based beliefs are associated with mental illnesses. The book also goes further to capture how religious backgrounds affect the delivery of mental health care. The book has various chapters including some on religion, personality, anxiety, coping behavior, psychoses, etc. Koenig, H. G. (1994). Aging and God: Spiritual paths to mental health in midlife and lateryears. New York: Haworth Press. In the above book, the author gives an in-depth analysis on how religion relates to the treatment of mental illnesses. Focusing on elderly patients, the author establishes that religious backgrounds influenced how patients responded to treatment. Koenig (1994) also established that parents have cited religious beliefs as a reason for avoiding seeking medical care. Moreover, some jurisdictions bar governments or non-governmental organizations from taking corrective measures whenever parents use religion to prevent their children from seeking healthcare services. In views of healthcare practitioners, religion cannot be used as a defense to deny people medical care. However, spiritual matters impede such pursuits. Thus, based on this paper, health and spiritual matters may conflict at given instances. Conclusion It is factual that religion influences both the growth and development of people. Thus, it influences several choices that they make. Such influences also end up affecting health deliberations. Sometimes, the impact leads to taking decisions that are not amenable with healthcare expectations.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Organizational Management and Operations Research Paper

Organizational Management and Operations - Research Paper Example For instance, State bureaus of investigation is found to every Attorney’s general office of each state. Furthermore, State Governments have their own enforcement division like capitol police and Campus police. At the local organizational level of policing, there are county police or Sheriff’s Departments. County police have countywide authority or control which normally exist in metropolitan counties. County police have three categories which could be full service, limited service and restricted service. The difference in these three different services is the associated coverage control of their prevailing areas of responsibilities (Palmiotto & Unnithan, 2010, p.66). For instance, the full service country police tend to have control of the entire county with full spectrum of police services. The limited service couty police on the other hand may only have to provide their service to some areas under the existence of certain contracts. The restricted service country poli ce normally provide service as security police to facilities and parks of a county. However, in some local areas in the US, there are no county police, but instead the Sheriff’s offices, which both act as law enforcement agency and sheriff and country police at the same time. Just like county police, Sheriff’s offices could be categorized as full service, limited service and restricted service (Dempsey and Forst, 2011, p.62). Full service Sheriff’s offices have to cover all traditional law-enforcement functions like countywide patrol and initiate investigations in all municipal boundaries. Limited service of Sheriff’s offices on the other hand is linked with security police duties on county properties, so they have to perform some traditional law-enforcement duties. The restricted service Sheriff’s offices on the other hand are designed to provide basic court related functions like keeping the country jail, prisoners transportation, courthouse secu rity aid and other related functions. In addition, at the local organizational level, there are also municipa police in which they usually are identified as metropolitan police. In most cities in the US and larger towns, there are police departments that usually incur significant larger departments together with a considerable amount of budgets, resources and responsibilities. Analysis We are now ready to analyze the similarities and differences of the organizational, management, administration and operational functions of the above-stated organizational levels of policing. Common to all of the above policing organizational levels is their general basic function which is the law enforcement. This could be generally categorized as maintaining order, enforcing the law and providing services to the community (Cole & Smith, 2009, p.169). The Federal police have remarkable functions linked with law enforcement at the federal level. State bureaus of investigation, capitol police and Campu s police at the state level are designed to intiate a specific function which is to enforce the law within the State. Sheriff’s offices and county police on the other hand are obliged to enforce the law at varying categories of services at the county or municipal level. In other words, no one could contest the fact that these organizational le

Friday, November 1, 2019

Two Icons of Renaissance Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Two Icons of Renaissance Art - Essay Example While many renowned names involve in this artistic stream, there are few who hold their stands unmatched as the propagators of artistic cultures. Two of such names are Botticelli and Raphael who introduced and developed a personal insightful depiction of some contemporary concepts and universal portrayals. Two notable works of art from Botticelli and Raphael are The birth of Venus (Botticelli) and Mond Crucifixion (Raphael). Those two works of art are very much the representing pieces for their contemporary culture picking up classical foundations to mount with artistic rendering of subtle individual depictions. Heritage of classical ages During renaissance, new developments and imaginations of most artists had come out of the classical traditions of arts. Notably, modernism had not touched the world and breaking of rules was limited only up to the imaginations of artists. Thus, artist of earlier renaissance period opted to provide their insights to some traditional themes. Both The Birth of Venus and Mond crucifixion are grounded in deep Christian imagination of human conditions. As in The birth of Venus, the iconography does not entail a violation of themes dwelling in contemporary consciousness. Similarly, in Mond Crucifixion depiction of Jesus is portrayed as a calm figure even when crucified. Theological icons as Venus and Jesus had a very specific place in classical artistic culture. On the other hand church’s influences were quite dominant over artistic depictions till renaissance. However, during renaissance most of the painters and artists had been associated and were adorned by the church too. It is mostly the style, imaginative depiction of surrounding and use of different shades which had put those arts on steps ahead of the classical ages. Materials, Style and Colors As Botticelli belonged to an era when Oil paintings were not popularized up to an extent The birth of Venus was painted on tempera while Mond Crucifixion arrived at a time when popularity of oil paintings had overtook the use of tempera around whole Europe. Historically too, Oil paintings proved to be more facilitative compared to tempera. Tempera dries very fast and painters had to be very accurate in mixing the paint. Oil painting proved to be easier to use enhancing numerous opportunities to painters to use fast brushstrokes. Comparing The birth of Venus to Mond Crucifixion, the use of oil in the later provides much scope to paint the background while in The birth of Venus background is dissolved into sea with very keen strokes till the end which is quite essential in a tempera material. In both the paintings, use of colors and lights is straight away comparable as The birth of Venus provides a little fading effect towards the third dimension while Mond Crucifixion holds sharper colors and clearer lights to sustain with the aura of Jesus which is essentially to be preserved in the painting. The birth of Venus is visualized with the imaginative beauty of painter’s convictions to the relevant matter described by many earlier artists. Instead of the three Hours of Homer's hymn and Poliziano's poem, he shows us one fair nymph, in a white robe, embroidered with blue corn-flowers, springing lightly forward to offer Venus a pink mantle sown with daisies. In the laurel groves along the shore, we see a courtly allusion to the "Laurel who sheltered the